
Painting on the Cleveland Way

I have been getting out and about now the weather is warming up and painting. The other week I headed out to a location I had found on a previous walk near Cloughton (near Scarborough) It was on the Cleveland Way looking north along the coast. It was beautifully sunny but still a little hazy. I love it when things disappear off in to the distance getting ever paler and paler but I always find it a challenge to catch in paint. I have a small ruck sack with all my equipment in and to this I can strap my board which has paper already prepared (stuck with gum strip and sealed with diluted acrylic paint) To my board I strap my easel and tie it to stop it opening up! - its a heavy easel but this makes it a better platform to work on - not so unstable. I often hang my rucksack on the easel to keep it more secure (it can blow over if windy). I was pleased the view was as I remembered it, and it was a perfect day for it. I enjoyed meeting a few walkers whilst I painted - we were all pretty much in our own worlds but nice to share the beauty of the moment. One walker took this photo of me - Paddy Dillon who as it turned out writes walking guide books.